Time Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
12.30pm   Marburg city-tour Lunch Lunch
7.30pm Welcome Reception Schlosskeller Giessen Free evening Dinner Mathematikum with DJ music Farewell Dinner
Castle of Rauischholzhausen

Welcome Reception

The Welcome Reception will take place in a historical wine cellar and the botanic gardens near the restaurant. We take a glass of wine while we greet our friends, and we talk about the splendid congress we had this year in Brazil.

On Wednesday, July 21st 7.30pm

A "mathematical"afternoon

The excursion with dinner in Giessens most famous museum! In an exciting atmosphere we will meet again for a drink and snacks.
Stunning puzzles, giant soap bubbles, deceiving mirrors, mysterious bridges and more: Check out the fun side of mathematics and put your hands on more than 120 interactive exhibits. The mathematical science centre in Giessen suits people of all ages.
Drinks and snacks wil follow this exciting museum visit.

On Friday, July 23rd, 7.30pm

Farewell Dinner

We are looking forward to the Farewell Dinner in the romantic Castle of Rauischholzhausen near Marburg. After the Dinner we can go for a walk in the romantic gardens.

On Saturday, July 24th, 7.30pm