Dear Collegues,

the European Association of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging and the Clinical Department for Small Animal Medicine of Justus- Liebig- University of Giessen are pleased to welcome you at the EVDI Annual Scientific Meeting 2010 in Giessen, Germany.

As the local organising committee, we are proud and happy to host the 16th Annual Meeting and we will make all efforts to ensure this meeting to be a scientific and social success. Following previous successful conferences, for example in Norway or Brazil, we will maintain high scientific standards during our meeting in the middle of Germany and Europe.

The scientific program of our meeting reflects the history and progress concerning the broad area of applications of imaging techniques in Veterinary Medicine. Starting at the principals of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging we are going to smooth the way for the most recent findings.

I hope you will enjoy your stay in Giessen and the meeting will give you new impetus and enrich your profession.
Welcome to Giessen!

Martin Kramer

Chairman of the Organising Committee


Abstract submission

Abstracts can be submitted via the Homepage of the EVDI- Submission desk until 1st march 2010.
Please use the link.




JLU Giessen
JLU Giessen
Dep. for Veterinary Medicine

Silver Sponsor:
Bronze Sponsor: